No.10 in my series of short stories.

Dingo Dreaming No.1328.SOLD
A time when we were desert crawling, specking for gold. We were prospecting on the side of the Great Sandy Desert when there was an eery sense of something following us and I turned around only to see several kilometres away, the largest dust storm we had ever come across.
The sun was only just peaking through hitting the top of the mesas and on the horizon this huge dust storm was brewing. The rain was pummelling the dry desert sands forcing the dust 50mtres into the air and making the sky and desert one. Scary and blinding as we tried to prepare ourselves for the expected as it made its way towards us and not leaving much time for us to get away. The result was to think quickly not much time for messing around, we found a large rock formation and scurried to hide low and wait it out. The result is, I am still here and this painting was the outcome.
As I lay in my swag later that night staring at the millions of stars in the clear dark sky, my mind goes into paint mode, as usual thinking of all the art work I could make up out of the things and places I had seen that day, a mind full of joy and admiration for this country we live in.
This is a large oil painting of some women we came across elsewhere on that particular stormy day and I felt that they had such a presence that I would fit them into my next piece of art. The title of this piece is DINGO DREAMING and is named for the Dingo that is infused into the bottom right hand side of this painting and hardly visible, this Dingo was travelling with these ladies.
The mesas in the background are a common sight forming different ranges like the Chichester and Hamersley Range and they are one of my favourite things to paint. The outstanding colours and shapes of each and every rock are very pleasing to the eye. My eyes were not after the gold we prospected for but for the gum trees rocks river beds and the mountains that stand so majestically against the usually clear blue skies of the Pilbara district in Western Australia.