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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Skurulis

Self Taught Artist

No 67. in my series of short stories

A picnic in the desert with our mob
A Picnic in the desert with the family

Is it wrong or is it right. I am a believer that art school is not right for all people. It's understandable to have reservations about the traditional education system, including art school, as it may not suit everyone's learning style or goals. Each individual has unique strengths, interests, and ways of learning, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Teachers play a vital role in education by providing guidance, knowledge, and support to students. While they have expertise in their subject matter, they are not the ultimate arbiters of what is right or wrong in art or any other field. Art in particular, is a highly subjective and personal form of expression, and what one person considers "good" art may differ from another's opinion. Ultimately, the value of art lies in its ability to evoke emotion, stimulate thought, and inspire change, rather than conforming to rigid standards of perfection.

Self-Discovery: Teaching myself art has encouraged self-discovery and creativity. Through my life I have had the opportunity to explore my own unique styles, experiment with unconventional methods, and cultivate a deeper understanding of my artistic voice and vision. This has required openness to experimentation, willingness to learn from failure, and the ability to adapt and evolve over time. It is essential to trust in your own abilities, follow your passion, and embrace the journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration. Learning on your own allows you to set your own pace, schedule, and focus on areas that interest you the most. You have the freedom to experiment with different techniques and mediums without external constraints. Relying solely on a teacher for instruction may hinder your ability to develop independent problem-solving skills and creative thinking. It's important to strike a balance between guidance and self-exploration it's called flexibility. Ultimately, the choice between learning from an art teacher or teaching yourself depends on your individual goals, preferences, and resources. Some people may thrive in a structured classroom environment with guidance from an instructor, while others may prefer the freedom and autonomy of self-directed learning. You may also find that a combination of both approaches works best for you, incorporating formal instruction with independent exploration to enhance your artistic journey.

My experience of being told that my art would never be good enough highlights the limitations of such judgments. Many successful artists have faced similar criticisms early in their careers but went on to prove their detractors wrong through persistence, self-belief, and dedication to their craft.

It's essential to trust in your own abilities, follow your passion, and embrace the journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration.

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