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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Skurulis

Dirt track to Millstream.

No.61 in my series of short stories.

Dirt track to Millstream
Dirt track to Millstream

After painting 3 rather large watercolor scenes of the Dirt track to Millstream and sending copies to a Perth gallery to see if they would like to hang them. Flying from Karratha to Perth to take them to Gallery 360 in Subiaco.

Whilst in Perth I always stayed with my sister or my father and when my father asked me to show him the art I had brought with me, he insisted that he purchase the 3 watercolours at full price.

The reason for the title of this painting being (No.146 Dads Tree 1). is that my father purchased 3 watercolours off me in 1987 and when he passed away the 3 paintings were passed back to me, so it will always be called "Dads tree 1". This tree was standing very tall and proud on the way to Millstream in the North of Western Australia.

It is a larger water colour @ 70cm High 45cm Wide. Always loving to do finicky fiddly bits in my paintings when I was younger. I don't think I could handle the detail now and my ideas have moved on so much from then.

As an artist working under the business name "Pilbara Watercolours," it is interesting to reflect on how my style, techniques, or subject matter have evolved over the years. Having collections of artworks from different periods, comparing them reveals my artistic growth and experimentation.

It was a surprising discovery when I found a date on this piece of artwork! It sparked memories of my dad and the inspiration, emotions, or experiences that influenced this watercolour painting. The year on this piece is 1987 and it was a very productive year, full of creativity and happy memories.

Whether I choose to incorporate dates into my future pieces or continue with my current approach, the discovery of the 1987 date adds a historical dimension to this piece of artwork, making it a tangible record of my artistic journey. I can now add it to the other

paintings that I have in my database.

If you happen to have a painting done by myself I would love for you to photograph and send it to me as I have lost so many paintings before I started listing them for my records.

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